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In the margins

CMS Ireland

At the Ignite conference in Dromantine in September, CMSI outlined its annual theme for 2018-2019, which is entitled 'In The Margins - Serving The Least Among Us.'

Each annual theme highlights an aspect of the work of CMSI and its global partners. It provides a focus for our events, publications and presentations.

Crossing Bridges

Last year's theme emphasised the role of the Church in spanning divides, making connections and bringing people together. Throughout the year, we shared stories of God's people crossing over to share His love. We also celebrated the Church's work in pursuing peace and facilitating reconciliation. Perhaps you added your own peace prayers to our 'Big Bridge'?

The Crossing Bridges event in Stormont was a particular highlight - a chance to learn from our partners in South Sudan, Rwanda, DR Congo, Egypt and beyond. This week sees the second Crossing Bridges event take place, this time in Uganda, where CMSI is hosting a special conference for our South Sudan partners with representatives from some of their Ireland link churches. Please do pray for this significant gathering - and look out for blog updates throughout the next two weeks.

In The Margins

Our new annual theme gives us a chance to explore the biblical imperative to care for the most vulnerable members of our societies. This is something all of CMSI's partners are doing in lots of different ways, within their own contexts. Each of them manage a range of programmes that seek to serve ‘the least among them’ – providing help, offering hope, creating space for people to experience freedom, to provide for themselves, to grasp God’s gift of life.

We have the privilege of partnering with the Global Church as it reaches out in love to those who are suffering and those who have been neglected. We want to help churches in Ireland play their part in supporting this work. We also want to be inspired by our partners as we consider how best to respond to people on the fringes of society in Ireland.

Throughout 2018 and 2019, we want to shine a light on mission…in the margins. If you see us at any events throughout the year, do sign the margins of our photos to show your support. And don't be surprised if we ask you to hold our 'in the margins frame' so we can take your photo!

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