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  • CMS Ireland

Dancing Queens in Kathmandu

The sights, the sounds, the smells, the traffic, the heat and the rain... where do we begin?

After almost 24 hours of traveling - and having had everything pass smoothly through customs - we were met at the airport by B, who greeted us with the traditional garland of flowers.

Over the first few days we met church members, leaders and staff of SD Church. On Saturday we attended a two-and-a-half-hour service and saw their new building which they hope to begin using next week. We also met with the children at Pharakilo Gar. Lesley did some physio exercises with the boys and the girls. The girls were keen to dance so I did some dancing with them to Abba’s Dancing Queen! You had to be there.

Nothing could have prepared us for the journey to Khokana (community of folk suffering from leprosy) yesterday. Potholes the size of paddling pools, sheer drops over the sides of mountains, while avoiding scooters, trucks, cars and pedestrians. At times, I couldn’t look and Lesley took great delight in describing in detail the surrounding perils.

When we arrived the community had gathered and after some singing I spoke. Our presence was deeply appreciated and we were humbled by their welcome.

The day ended with a meal with B and his family.

By the way, we forgot to mention the earthquake!!


Heather Cooke and Lesley Burton are each spending time in Nepal on Short-Term Experience Placements (STEPs) with our partners, SD Church. Heather is pictured here with Gillian Maganda and Jenny Smyth at the recent Commissioning Service for CMSI Teams and STEPs.

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