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Maridi Diocese

South Sudan

Maridi Diocese’s partnership with CMSI and the Church in Ireland stretches back to 1998.


The diocese enjoys strong relationships with many parishes in Ireland and with the Diocese of Down and Dromore. Maridi was led by Bishop Justin Badi Arama, until his appointment as Archbishop of South Sudan in April 2018. 


The diocese is situated due west of Juba – the capital city of South Sudan – and it shares a southern border with DR Congo. Due, in part, to its location, the diocese was one of the worst affected areas during the Second Sudanese Civil War (1983-2005) and has again experienced significant strife in the civil unrest that began at the end of 2013. In the midst of such pain and suffering, Maridi Diocese continues to share love and offer hope.


In recent years, CMSI has provided substantial financial support for primary school construction, healthcare and theological education. We’ve also facilitated team and individual visits in both directions – which have helped the partnerships to grow stronger.


Archbishop Justin writes…

“What matters most to me about our link with CMS Ireland and the churches in Ireland is the friendship and fellowship that has bound us as one family in Christ Jesus. When I visit Ireland, I do not see myself as a foreigner but as a member of a family in Ireland. Through the partnership, I have seen God at work in many ways, such as giving hope and encouragement in times of hardship and loneliness.”

Gitega Dioese school children
Bishop John with Ordinands
Bishop John with Ordinands
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