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For CMSI, the ultimate goal of all we do is to see lives and communities transformed by God’s astonishing love.


You can be part of this story. Through your interest, engagement and support, you can make a difference to the lives of people in Africa and Nepal


Three key ways to make a difference are to pray, to give and to go.

© CMS Ireland 2021.  All Rights Reserved


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Sir Thomas & Lady Dixon Park

245a Upper Malone Road


 BT17 9LA

028 9077 5020


Dublin Office

Church of Ireland House

Church Avenue, Rathmines

Dublin DO6 CF67

01 497 0931

Church Mission Society Ireland is registered in Dublin, Ireland - Reg No. 26905 - as a Company Limited by Guarantee, with permission to omit the word 'Limited'. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20001476; CHY (Revenue) Number: 910


Recognised in the UK as a Charity by the Inland Revenue - Reference No. XN 48809.


CMS Ireland is a registered business name.

Registered Office: Dublin Office (see right).

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