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Connect - Equip - Transform

Introducing CMSI

Who we are

CMSI is a Christian mission organisation that exists to help God’s people engage in God’s mission.


CMSI is part of the global CMS family, which was established in 1799 with a threefold focus:

  • the abolition of the slave trade

  • social reform at home

  • world evangelisation


CMSI’s own story started in 1814, with the formation of the Hibernian Church Missionary Society. Since then, we’ve worked with the Church - in Ireland and across the world - as it responds to both spiritual and physical needs.


Our history, identity and most of our work is associated with the Anglican Communion, but we work across denominations to equip the Church in mission.

How we work

CMSI's work is shaped by our commitment to a number of guiding principles...



Valuing people and prioritising personal connections in all that we do. Recognising the value of face-to-face encounters.

Partnership within God's
global family


Striving for two-way exchange - giving and receiving; promoting interconnectedness and interdependence

Respecting and responding to our Global Partners


Prioritising those things that matter most to our partners. Recognising our partners' expertise and authority. Listening to one another and sharing ideas together.

Long-term faithfulness to our Global Partners


Standing with our partners in hard places, through difficult times. Sharing their joys and sorrows. Journeying together.

Serving the whole Church as it engages in mission


Inspiring, equipping and facilitating God's people, as the Body of Christ, to fulfil their mission calling; working across Ireland and with our Global Partners.

Working with the local church, wherever that may be


Championing local expressions of mission; encouraging churches in Ireland and our Global Partners to help one another live out God's transforming love in their own communities.

A holistic approach to mission


Embracing biblical principles and following Christ's example in bringing life in all its fulness. Promoting and practicing mission that is integral in nature: both spiritual and physical; both evangelism and social justice; both proclamation and demonstration.

© CMS Ireland 2021.  All Rights Reserved


Belfast Office

Sir Thomas & Lady Dixon Park

245a Upper Malone Road


 BT17 9LA

028 9077 5020


Dublin Office

Church of Ireland House

Church Avenue, Rathmines

Dublin DO6 CF67

01 497 0931

Church Mission Society Ireland is registered in Dublin, Ireland - Reg No. 26905 - as a Company Limited by Guarantee, with permission to omit the word 'Limited'. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20001476; CHY (Revenue) Number: 910


Recognised in the UK as a Charity by the Inland Revenue - Reference No. XN 48809.


CMS Ireland is a registered business name.

Registered Office: Dublin Office (see right).

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