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  • Roger Cooke

Update from the Scotts

CMSI Mission Partners, Keith and Lyn Scott are based at St John's Seminary in Kitwe, in the Diocese of Northern Zambia. Following a quiet Palm Sunday service at the seminary, Keith and Lyn sent through some video greetings, along with their latest link letter.

Keith writes:

This has been an extraordinary year for all of us around the world hasn’t it? Almost every country we know has been affected by Covid 19 and as I write I am well aware that the UK and Ireland have suffered thousands of infections and bereavements. Looking from Zambia it is shocking and sobering, we have nothing like those numbers but we fear that in future months Zambia will be devastated as may the whole continent.

In these uncertain and bewildering times we need to look at the example of Christ our Lord and Saviour, His trust in the Father and the promise of the Holy Spirit to always be with us. These assurances give us an anchor.


View or download the full Link Letter


Watch Keith and Lyn's video greetings

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