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  • CMS Ireland

Holiday Food Distribution

At the end of October CMSI’s Mission Associate, Isabelle Prondzynski, sent us an update of Tujisaidie’s school lunch programme.

Friday 27th October was the big day when all schools of Kenya close for the end-of-year and end-of-school-year holiday. Some students return at the beginning of November for national examinations at approx. ages 12, 14 and 18, but all others are now on holidays until the beginning of January.

Thanks to our visiting team of 2023, we have been able to distribute holiday food to all 300 children in the Tujisaidie School for the first time. They each left the school at the end of term with their food packets, which were distributed class by class until about lunchtime. Two teachers recorded each child receiving the food. Those children who were at home sick, were represented by a parent, who collected the food on their behalf. The youngest children were accompanied by their parents, as they could not carry the package on their own! The packages were identical for each child, and for the teachers and staff too.

Great thanks to the originators of the idea, and the fund-raisers and administrators who made it possible! And above all, in gratitude to God, who poured out his blessing over the school, the staff and the children.

Lynn Wilson from St Mark’s, Dundela, was on that team. This is what Lynn had to say:

These food parcels are a wonderful example of our CMSI partnership in action. During our visit in May, we heard first-hand the concern about provision of food during the long school holiday and were able to discuss solutions together with Isabelle and Louise. The community then assessed the most sustainable and practical way forward, using funds raised here in Ireland and buying in bulk to ensure value for money. It is a joy to see these photos and to know that one burden has been lifted from the shoulders of these families.

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