CMSI: The Church Mission Society, Ireland.
In CMSI, we want to keep the Church at the centre of mission. It's in our name. It's in our nature.
We believe that the Church is at the centre of God’s strategy to change the world. The Body of Christ is God's means and method for sharing the good news of Jesus, transforming lives, changing communities and redeeming the world.
That's why we resource and equip churches and individuals in Ireland to play a more active part in mission.
We believe that local churches – wherever they are – are best placed to serve their own communities and to respond to the specific needs on their doorsteps.
That’s why all the global work we support is directed through our network of Global Partners in Africa and Nepal: local expressions of Church in nine countries. There are no ‘CMSI projects’ in these places.

We believe that we belong to one, global, interconnected and interdependent Church – a worldwide body of believers that need each other if we are to be effective in our God-given commission.
That’s why CMSI facilitates connections across the global Church, developing and deepening relationships so that local churches can learn from one another and can share resources and skills.
We believe that the holistic, integral mission to which Christ calls his disciples is most effectively carried out by local churches: caring for the marginalised and making disciples, responding to physical need and offering spiritual transformation.
Working in isolation is not the way. Meeting material need is not enough. We are called to be part of something far greater and we need each other. Mission is at its best when the Church is at the Centre.​​