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Our inMission magazine comes out three times a year (March, September, December). Full of news, articles and reflections, it's one of the best places to get an overview of CMSI's work and the work of our partners. 


In June, we also produce a Summer Snippets newsheet as a lighter alternative to the magazine.


You can read or download the latest version of inMission or Summer Snippets below.

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inMission 2024

The latest edition of inMission is our summer newsletter, Summer Snippets, which explores the ways in which we can share in reciprocal flourishing as part of the global church.


You can view the publication by clicking on the image.


Contact us if you'd like to receive a paper version of the magazine.


View the current Prayer Diary.

Recent editions of inMission & Summer Snippets 

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 BT17 9LA

028 9077 5020


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Church Avenue, Rathmines

Dublin DO6 CF67

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Church Mission Society Ireland is registered in Dublin, Ireland - Reg No. 26905 - as a Company Limited by Guarantee, with permission to omit the word 'Limited'. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20001476; CHY (Revenue) Number: 910


Recognised in the UK as a Charity by the Inland Revenue - Reference No. XN 48809.


CMS Ireland is a registered business name.

Registered Office: Dublin Office (see right).

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