Every year, CMSI receives valuable legacy support from individuals who have chosen to leave a final gift to the society. Including CMSI in your will is a simple, effective and very meaningful way to making a lasting difference.
By remembering CMSI in your will, you can help transform lives in some of the poorest and most challenging countries of the world; you can help the Church offer hope and healing in the midst of suffering and brokenness.
We are a member of Will to Give, a group of over 50 charities in Northern Ireland who have come together to promote charitable gifts in wills. Visit the Will to Give website to get guidance on how to leave a charitable gift in your will.
To find out more about leaving a legacy for CMSI, contact the offices or complete the form below. We can provide advice about writing and updating your will.
Gifts in memory of a loved one
For those who have lost a loved one, you may want to consider giving a gift to CMSI in their memory. We really value such donations and we're hugely thankful for the many people who have been honoured in this way.
Another popular option is to ask friends and family to make donations at a funeral or in lieu of flowers. We can provide giving envelopes or help you set-up an online tribute fund.
We'd love to hear from you if you're interested in finding out more about these options.​