Thank you for signing up for our new Children's and Teen's Resource. You can access the Hands Out material on this page.
Everything has been made available to view and download free of charge. However, if you would like to make a donation towards the costs of producing the resource, you can do so here:
Please write 'Children's Resource' in the instructions
Sessions & Activities
Material is provided for four age-groups, but can be adapted to suit your own context.
The age groups here are given as a guide only - there are no ‘ages’ on printable materials.

CMSI's Global Partners
Click the full screen symbol and then the play button to view each film. If you want to download the video or access other settings, click the 'share' paper aeroplane icon on the right hand side, then click on the web address link. This will open up the film on Vimeo (you may need to log on to Vimeo or sign up) - you can download the file from here.
What does it mean to be displaced?

Where is God when people suffer?

How does God help?
What can we do?

If you would like to see additional short films from CMSI's Global Partners, visit our previous Children's Resource materials: 'Switched On' , 'Kingdom Kids' , 'Heroes Of Hope' , or the 'In The Middle'.
Fundraising Challenge
Every year, many of the schools, churches and Sunday school groups that use the Children's and Teen's Resource engage in some fundraising activities to support CMSI's Global Partners. Fundraising is a great way to help your children engage actively in supporting global mission. These funds make a huge difference to our partners - who are always thrilled to learn that the money has been raised by children.
Money raised through this resource will go to a special Hands Out fund to support our global partner, St Raphael School in Cairo, Egypt, as they provide education for Sudanese refugees. Your donations will help the global Church share God's love and hope with many people refugees living in Cairo. Please encourage your children to get raising!
Competition Time!
Our art work competition was won by
St Patrick's, Ballymena!
Congratulations from all of us!
If you would like to show us your artwork, email us at CMSI info@cmsireland.org
Download, print and personalise certificates for the children who participated in the Hands Out programme.