HDCS, Nepal
HDCS (Health Development Community Service) is a Nepali Christian organisation, which delivers quality services in Nepal in the areas of health care, community development, education and training. The organisation is led by Dr Tirtha Thapa.
HDCS emerged out of a shared vision from a group of Nepali christians, who wanted to see the Nepali church mobilised into caring for the myriad needs in the country. CMSI has been in partnership with HDCS since 2003.
The main offices of HDCS are in Patan, south of Kathmandu, and were designed by former CMSI Mission Partner, Mark Gill. As well as offices for HDCS, the site includes a purpose built centre for ABBS – a programme providing daycare for children with physical diabilities and learning difficulties. This building project was financed by CMSI supporters through Fingerprints of Hope, the CMSI Children’s Resource in 2006. In recent years, various CMSI teams have enjoyed spending time visiting ABBS.
HDCS also manages Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC), a school which provides education for the families of expatriate mission and development workers, including the Zimmerman family (CMSI Mission Associates). KISC also run a Teacher Training programme for government schools in the Kathmandu Valley.
HDCS Staff member writes,
“HDCS’s partnership with CMS Ireland is a reminder of how we are all His children. Having volunteers from Ireland come to work with our children at ABBS has been a blessing in so many ways. Those who come and share their time with us are examples of what it means to love all of His children regardless of the differences. What better testimony of God’s love could there be than that?”