The final report from our Yei Team who have now safely arrived home.
Saturday 21st April Today was a day for relaxation after a busy two weeks, and before going to two churches in the Rhino Camp on Sunday. We spent it visiting the Vocational Training Centre and Craft Centre that Billy and Jenny Smith were involved in in Arua, where we met Karl who now manages the VTC. We also visited Arua’s market, and the Cathedral of Madi West Nile.
Sunday 22nd April Today we travelled again to the Rhino Camp (Ofua Zone) to take part in two church services, with Sam, Paula and Martin at Bethlehem church, and Denis, Margaret and Jill at Jerusalem church. These were again lively services that we were welcomed at, and it was good to meet with a number of the Pastors who had been at the Retreat.
Monday 23rd / Tuesday 24th April We travelled home with flights from Arua to Entebbe, Entebbe to Amsterdam, and Amsterdam to Dublin, and then bus from Dublin to Lisburn arriving home late morning. The trip then ended, with us all finding that we had learnt much about the work of Abaana in Kampala, and CMS Ireland in Arua / Rhino Camp, and that we all trust that we have made a contribution to the lives of those we came in to contact with.
Our thanks go to all those who have organised and helped us during our time in Africa, and made our trip so enjoyable.
At each church that we have visited, and also at the Retreat, Dean Sam Wright brought greetings from the Bishop of Connor, the Right Reverend Alan Abernethy. The Bishop had led the last Pastor’s Conference held in Yei in 2013. Dean Sam also brought greetings from the people of Connor, who have been receiving photographs and reports of this Pastor’s Retreat, and have been praying for them.
We’re all home safe and sound. Thank you for your prayers.