Our partners at Sundar Dhoka Saathi Sewa (“Beautiful Gate Serving Friends”) have begun using funds raised by the CMSI “Outside In” Children’s Resource 2019 to conduct a Children’s Heart and Rehabilitation Care Project. This will enable Provincial Hospitals in remote areas to refer 20 children with heart problems and rehabilitation needs for treatment in Kathmandu, with care provided for them (and their carers) via SDSS’s “Patient Navigation” programme.
Programme Coordinator BA writes,
“After receiving approval for the project from CMS Ireland we approached the Social Development Ministry of Province 3. The concept of our project was approved by the SDM and we received an official letter authorising us to obtain patient referrals from two hospitals remote from Kathmandu."
An orientation meeting with the two hospitals was then carried out. This included SDSS sharing the history of their organisation, an outline of the proposed project, agreeing a referral process and handing over of referral forms to the social services department and clinical doctors. So far 3 patients (including Sanjit, picutured above) have been referred, and we hope for more from both hospitals.”
Case Study: Ram Krishna Mijar is a 14 year old boy who liked to climb trees to pick berries with his friends. One day they were happily eating berries when suddenly the tree collapsed, seriously injuring Ram and another friend, Som. Both Ram and Som (pictured below) were referred to SDSS by their local hospital. They arrived in Kathmandu and were taken immediately to the Trauma Centre. Ram had multiple fractures in almost every part of body and is still under treatment in the Trauma Centre. A CT scan and surgery on his left femur is planned. Ram’s family are very happy to receive support from this project as they had to travel to Kathmandu and had no means to support themselves.
For More info contact Roger Thompson at CMSI's Belfast Office.