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Fire at CCD

Linda Abwa

At the end of last week we received the distressing news that there had been a fire at the Compassion for Children in Distress Project in North Kivu Diocese, DRC.

The very first permanent building for this Diocesan care programme, for orphaned and vulnerable children, was supported financially by Bishops' Appeal and two CMSI link Parishes: Milltown and Killyman. I visited the children and the project leader, Mama Dorcas Mbambu, with Stewart Brennan from Milltown Parish in 2017. Since then further significant support was raised by the link parishes and, along with help from two other mission agencies, a further two buildings were completed.

The fire last Wednesday seems to have started accidentally from an electrical fault in the first building of CCD. We are grateful to God that most of the children were outside at the time and others were evacuated. No one has been injured. However, the damage to the house is very significant, and the blaze must have been very frightening for the little ones to watch. The other two buildings are untouched by the blaze.

You can sense the devastation felt by the Diocese in this video sent by Bishop Isesomo.

We are asking that you would share this information with your parishes and your friends. Let us be in prayer for all the children, Mama Mbambu and the other women who work in the project.

The CMSI DRC emergency appeal is also open once more, for contributions to the immediate needs and possible restoration. Click here to donate to North Kivu's emergency appeal:!/DonationDetails



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