"I saw the call for prayer for DRC today, and like you I pray and have prayed many times. It is such a sad and almost globally forgotten situation."
This was just one of many responses to our special call to prayer for DRC on it's 62nd Independence Day. Bishop Isesomo thanked us for choosing this day as all the denominations in Butembo were also joining on that day to pray. And so many CMSI members, supporters and link parishes have valued the solidarity of praying together for our church family in Eastern Congo when it seems like a forgotten conflict. Thank you for praying!
At staff prayers on Thursday we spent time praying for national and church leaders in DRC, for Christians and churches providing shelter and care for the displaced, and of course for peace for the many traumatized people displaced from their homes in Eastern Congo.
Our partners living in refugee camps in western Uganda are reporting an influx of people from DRC looking for safety. We pray for them too as they struggle to find ways to share very limited resources and land for growing food.
This Sunday several DRC linked parishes will be taking up the invitation to pray especially about the conflict in DRC and the complex relationships with surrounding nations. And we encourage more people and parishes to join these prayers in solidarity with the hope giving prayer events of the church in DRC.
We can be people of bold prayer, because of our great hope in Christ and the faithful promises of scripture
“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”
Isaiah 2:4