All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. (2 Cor 4:15).
The Church Mission Society Ireland has chosen today, 30th November, to celebrate 'Thanksgiving Tuesday'.
For many charities, this is a significant fundraising day. The 'Giving Tuesday' movement was launched in 2012 as a way to encourage generosity and good deeds across the world. It takes place on the Tuesday after the USA's Thanksgiving holiday. The initiative has grown significantly over the years and is particularly prominent on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media platforms.
On Sunday, CMSI launched its Advent Appeal - offering a chance for individuals to give a gift that brings new life and hope to marginalised communities in Africa and Nepal. This is CMSI's main fundraising campaign at this time of year, so today has instead been set aside for a day of gratitude.
Throughout the day, CMSI staff will be phoning members, supporters and clergy to say a simple "Thank You!" We'll be writing and sending numerous Thank You cards and emails. And we'll be sharing short messages on Facebook, Twitter and our website to record our thanks to the many different people across Ireland - and across our world - who help to keep local churches at the centre of mission.
CMSI's Mission Director Jenny Smyth recently shared a message of thanks as part of an end of year update video. This video is being made available today for churches to use and share in their own services and on their own social media pages. You can view the video here or on Facebook.
Please join us in giving thanks today:
For local churches who are sharing God's transforming love with their own communities - especially in contexts of significant challenges through poverty, hunger, disease, war and natural disasters.
For all those in churches across Ireland who help to keep global mission on the agenda
For every church and individual who supports the work of CMS Ireland and other mission agencies
To the God who steps into the darkness and brokenness of our world to offer his light, his love and his hope.
Do let us know - via the Comments option below or on our Social Media pages - what things you are thankful for today.