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Rev Adrian Dorrian re-elected as CMSI chair

CMS Ireland

At CMSI's Annual General Meeting on Saturday 21st April, Rev Adrian Dorrian was re-elected as Chair of the Board of Trustees. The meeting saw a number of other changes to the make-up of the board.

Adrian had completed his first three-year term as chairperson (and president of the society) and in his address on Saturday, he reflected on some of the highlights from the past three years time.

These included:

- CMSI's increased sense of presence and engagement across the whole of Ireland

- The range of ages and parishes participating in teams and individual placements with our global partners

- The development of Ignite as CMSI's main annual conference

- His own visits to partners in Kenya and Zambia

- The clear sense of CMSI prioritising relationships - making connections across the global Church

Adrian also paid tribute and offered his thanks to CMSI's members for their faithful, ongoing support through their prayers, their finances and their time.

The AGM also saw some of the trustees retiring and others re-elected for a new term. One new trustee was also elected for his first term on the board: Professor Frank Dobbs (Agherton Parish, Connor).

Frank is a GP in the Causeway Coast area. He has served as a CMSI parish rep for many years and is a diocesan reader in Connor. Frank is part of the CMSI prayer group that meets in Coleraine and is a regular attendee at CMSI events in Ireland. He's also visited South Sudan on a number of occasions, providing training and support to doctors working in Yei Diocese.

At the AGM on Saturday, Adrian extended his thanks to those who have retired or stepped down as trustees: Rev Dr Paddy McGlinchey, Rev Matthew Hagan, Dr David Shepherd and Trevor Buchanan. Trevor, who was stepping down after seven years on the board, highlighted the deep relationships that CMSI has built up with the global Church - something that has enabled him to carry out medical work in South Sudan.

The AGM was part of CMSI's Annual Members' Day, Shine, which takes place every April in Swords, Co. Dublin.

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