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12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Twelve

CMS Ireland

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Seme Peter gave to me…

the gift of prayer.

Seme Peter’s Prayer for you

from Save Life Ministries

Dear Heavenly Father,

Love brought Jesus to the earth, and love brings us to this Christmas table. Today we celebrate the reality of your presence in our lives. Jesus, we celebrate your unconditional love - your birth, your life, your death and your resurrection.

Thank you, God, for our beloved partners of CMS Ireland and the members. Thanks for providing meals for this family. And as we celebrate, Lord help us all to share your love and the joy that you brought. Help us to share what we have with those in need around us. Open our eyes and let us see them as you see them.

May the memories of Christmas warm our hearts for years to come and may God Almighty continue to provide all our needs.

I pray all this with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus Christ.




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