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First impressions and inspiring encounters

CMS Ireland

The team reflect on their first couple of days in Nairobi.

Saturday 29th June

What an amazingly moving and challenging day! We set off for the Kayole this morning and were greeted warmly in 'Lucy’s Place', aka the training room that we will be teaching in next week. We met a group of young mothers who were keen to see us and the machines we will be using to make the dignity kits next week.

We then made our way round to Tujisaide School (Tujisaide = 'Let’s help to lift each other up') where Lucy’s son Antony runs a Saturday feeding project. We were involved in serving over 300 children their lunch. Antony has a team of young leaders making a meal, sharing the gospel and playing football! It's called 'More Than Just A Meal' - and it's AMAZING. The same guy organises the football matches for boys and girls and also operates 'More Than A Score Board' - every time a goal is scored they plant a tree to help the climate. They are 7 short of having planted 1000! We were able to give Antony a full strip of Moira FC shirts and some footballs.

We met so many beautiful children who either have no parents, are street children or whose parents can’t afford to feed them. We were all so moved by their friendliness and the welcome we received.

The roads and the sights of the journey from our accommodation to Kayole are something else altogether! From Massai cows herding down the footpath to furniture makers and people selling second hand stuff at the side of the road, it truly is a sight to behold.”

Sunday 30th June

Today we visited All Saints' Nairobi Cathedral. Over 6000 people Sunday services each week which are spread between the cathedral itself and its adjoining buildings. They have children’s services, youth services, Swahili services, services for the deaf, early morning services, Anglican (high church) services and an evening service. It’s difficult to comprehend how many people attend each week but we got to taste what it was like by visiting each of the services on offer. We were then welcomed into the cathedral at the 11:30 service.

Afterwards, we had the opportunity to meet with some of the All Saints' committee members to chat through the project and to encourage them in their support for the people of Kayole.

This afternoon we headed to the Massai open market... NOW that really was an experience! We got the hard sell from all the stall holders selling their crafts, Massai fabrics, woodwork, jewellery and carvings. We made a few purchases before heading to the Kenyan International Conference Centre helipad so that we could take in the view of Nairobi. The contrast between the wealth at the centre of Nairobi and the conditions in the low income settlement of Kayole just a few miles away was stark.

We are thoroughly exhausted as the adrenaline rush is starting to evaporate, so if you’re inclined to pray, please pray that we all get a good night's rest, that we all feel energised in the morning and that the girls we train tomorrow will pick the making of the Days for Girls kits up so easily. Please pray for safety throughout tomorrow and that we may have numerous opportunities to build our relationships up with the girls and demonstrate how much they are loved.

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