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Dean Geoff's visit to Maridi: praying inMission

CMS Ireland

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. [Deuteronomy 31:8]

Please pray for Geoff

Dean of Dromore Cathedral and CMSI Trustee, Geoff Wilson, will be spending part of his sabbatical by fully immersing himself into the life and ministry of the Diocese of Maridi in South Sudan for 4 weeks from early January 2023. Dromore Cathedral have had a longstanding link with Maridi Diocese and Dean Geoff’s visit will give him a fuller understanding of the context in which our partners are working, as well as gaining valuable experience and interactions as he walks alongside Bishop Moses Zungo and the church family there.

Points for prayer

  • Pray for safety and good health throughout Dean Geoff’s time in Maridi.

  • Pray for the people that Dean Geoff will meet and seek to build relationships with, and support.

  • Pray that Dean Geoff’s time in South Sudan will be fruitful for our partners and the various individuals he interacts with.

  • Pray that Geoff will learn and grow through his time in Maridi; pray that the experience will enrich his faith and will help him to develop a deeper passion for mission and the global church.



Paul Ferguson
Paul Ferguson
Dec 25, 2022

Trevor our thoughts and prayers are with you as you embark on this journey of faith. You will recall asking Bishop Jeremiah Taama to pray for you when you met him at CMSI headquarters which he was delighted to do. You will be pleased to hear that he still prays for you and will continue to do so during your time in Maridi. Be blessed Paul Ferguson

Dec 23, 2022

Prayers for safe travels and God's richest blessings during your stay in Maridi. Trevor Buchanan

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