A new Partnership Agreement between the Diocese of Armagh, the Diocese of Gitega, Burundi and CMS Ireland was inaugurated at the Armagh Synod in October 2024. This exciting venture fits with the vision set out by the Most Revd. John McDowell in his Presidential Address when he encouraged parishes to re-examine their vocation to bear witness to God in holiness and loving-kindness.
It builds on relationships that were established during the visit of Revd. Arsène Mafurebe (Gitega Diocese Development Coordinator) earlier in the year, initiated by the Church of Ireland Council for Mission and facilitated by CMSI. This 6 week placement included visits to parishes in Dublin, Sligo, Londonderry/Derry and Belfast, as well as time spent at General Synod in Armagh, where he met Archbishop John.

The idea was then progressed via a zoom meeting with Bishop Aimé Joseph Kimararungu, during which a number of objectives were discussed. These included the hope that real and meaningful relationships could be developed between the two Dioceses, giving opportunities to reflect and learn together about holistic mission in the two contexts.
A key feature of the link will be a visit by Archbishop John, together with other representatives from Armagh Diocese, which will hopefully take place in September 2025.
CMSI Mission Director Jenny Smyth commented, “In the epistle read at the Synod’s Holy Communion Service St Paul writes to the Ephesians that ‘In Christ Jesus the whole structure (of the household of God) is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling-place for God’ (Eph 2:21-22). Through this partnership there is an open invitation to explore where God is at work in Burundi in and through his Church in Gitega, and to ask how we can draw alongside one another in ministry, and what can we learn in order to be more effective witnesses in our own communities.”
For more information contact:
Roger Thompson (CMSI Partnership Coordinator for Burundi)
T. +44 (0)28 9077 5020 E. rogerthompson@cmsireland.org
