Over the past few weeks, Wendy Houston from Bangor Parish, has been assisting teachers in the primary school section of Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC), in providing one on one and group support to students from various countries around the world. Many of the children attending KISC have parents who are involved in mission work, and it has become a reputed international Christian school in Nepal.

Wendy a former Primary school principal, has extensive experience of volunteering in various children ministry roles throughout the Church of Ireland, and has also been heavily involvement in Girl-Guiding Ulster over the years.
Wendy shares a snapshot of what volunteering with KISC has been like…
“When I started supporting KISC the children were mostly all in the classroom, this week however the schools in their area have had to work off site, which has been frustrating and disappointing for everyone.
I assist 2 classes with 1:1 literacy support. In grade 5, I have two boys who are from Korea . I listen to them reading their set reading books and discuss the text and ask them their words for quick word recognition recall. In the grade 3 class I have been supporting a Korean girl with her phonics, she is a lively bubbly girl who is at home shielding.
I also encourage and support an American boy who is in the gifted area of learning and we have great fun doing word challenges. The first time I met this little boy, was the first day school was off site, and he was very upset. His mum asked him what he wanted to do about the situation and he said he wanted to pray about it. So we spent a few moments in prayer for his family and for KISC and his friends and teacher. What a lovely way to start my day!
My first sessions 3 mornings a week, are at 6:45am, and then 7:15am. The other mornings I start at 8:15am. These sessions are such a blessing and wonderful start to my days and I am so grateful to the class teachers, Iona and Karina, for their diligent support to me, especially in these very trying times.”

Continue praying for Wendy and our other virtual volunteer’s, that God will use them to build good relationships with those they interact with, and that they will be a blessing, and make an impact on the ministries of our Church family overseas.
Please get in touch if you have skills that can support the global Church from the comfort - and safety - of your own home! We would love to hear from you. E: personnel@cmsireland.org