Thursday 12th
Bishop Gaddiel Lenini formally welcomed the team to the diocese and heard that our different skills would be put to use today as we went our separate ways. All this tied in with his message that Mission and Development go hand-in-hand.
Lorna spent the day with the girls at Olyoosian School, teaching them some songs in preparation for Sunday's service in Kajiado Cathedral. It didn't help that the electricity was off for most of the day, however such are the challenges that have to be overcome.
Robert spent the day at MRTC (Masai Rural Training Centre) at Isinya. Here he experienced a hands-on approach to livestock management, vaccinating cattle, dipping sheep and baling hay by hand. The highlight of the day was when a little girl who was passing by, joined in helping to bale the hay.
The two Davids were speaking at a training seminar for Clergy, Lay Readers and Evangelists. We were very encouraged by the large turnout and enthusiasm of the participants.
David P spoke on the Call to Ministry, comparing the Call by God to various Old Testament prophets, and Spiritual Leadership. The powerful testimonies of several of the participants was also very encouraging.
David T. spoke to the Lay Readers and Evangelists of the Role of a Lay Reader, comparing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in both the Church in Ireland and the Church in Kenya.
So even though we were doing different things today, it's all part of the overall emphasis in the Diocese of Kajiado of doing Mission with Development and Development with Mission.
By going our separate ways, Twende Team is growing together. It reminds us of Ephesians 4:11...
“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry in the building up the body of Christ."